Thursday, March 5, 2009

Science Fair

I really hate the Science Fair. I dislike picking a topic, conducting the "experiment", and compiling the data on a tri-fold board. I really do not like any part of it. At Hunter and Lauren's school, the science fair is only mandatory for 4th and 5th graders so we got off with only one project this year. Hunter chose "Which Brand of Microwave Popcorn leaves the least Kernels". Fortunately for me, this was something he could do mostly by himself. All of the kids benefited by eating all the bags of popcorn he popped.

When it came time to compile the data, Hunter wrote out most of what he wanted to say. Even though I hate the tri-fold board displays, I hate worse display boards that look sloppy. I told Hunter we could vinyl his board to make it look neat. Usually this is not a problem and goes about as quickly as trying to write in straight lines. Not this time. For some reason the vinyl was not cooperating and it took 4 hours to get to where we were ready to apply the words to the board. I was beyond frustrated and didn't take too kindly to Keith's suggestion that maybe we should just write on the board. My stubborness would not let me quit but in the end, the display looked very neat and definitely not sloppy.

Hunter received a 95% for his project with the only fault being his graph that was missing a label on one of the axes. I am glad to be done for another year.