Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Late Night Visitor

The kids were in bed, Keith and I were vegging in front of our computers and TV when I heard a commotion in the dining room. Usually this time of night our cats, Morgan and Misty, get into a tiff. That is what I thought was happening. The only thing different about the sounds was the banging of the screen door. I got up to investigate and found this new friend on the back porch.

I went upstairs and got the older kids, who were still very much awake, to show them our visitor. The raccoon stayed around for quite a while even though 6 people were looking at him and we kept taking pictures. None of the pictures turned out very well through the screen so I had to do a little photo editing. It was pretty neat but now I am worried about my tomatoes when they start growing later this summer. Keith looked it up online and it says raccoons will eat tomatoes. Maybe he will give up and find a new friend!