Monday, January 26, 2009

Adventures in hauling wood

Craigslist is the best thing going out there. On Friday, Keith found someone wanting to give away a bunch of firewood. We have wanted firewood for quite a while but haven't wanted to pay the going rate of $250 per cord. Free is just the right price. Of course we had to rent a Uhaul trailer, get work gloves for everyone, and pay for the gas to get there but we ended up with a TON of wood.

After talking with the guy giving the wood away, Keith decided it would be too much for our family alone and put the word out to our friends that their help would get them free wood too. We started early on Saturday morning and drove up to North Bend to load the trailers and truck. In the end, we ended up with 2- 6x12 trailers full, 2- 5x8 trailers full, 2- little pickups full, and 1- full sized pickup full. All together, 6 families will benefit from the wood. Keith and his friend will be going up again on Tuesday for one last trailer full.

As you can see, our driveway is now full of wood. We need to get an axe now to split the wood and chop it for the fireplace. Lucky for us, we have a bunch of kids that will get to help stack the wood. I know they aren't excited to help, but they will sure enjoy the warmth of the fire!