Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Dreams

After the rousing success of St. Patrick's Day, you would think I would have gone all out for Easter. Boy, are you wrong! The kids did an Easter Egg hunt or two and I bought Kiersten a new dress. Let me explain.

When I was a kid, my mom would set out one Easter basket with all the candy in it to split between the siblings. We spent the morning dividing the candy one jelly bean at a time. I know how much I hated having to share with my brothers and sisters so I vowed when I had kids, they would each get their own Easter basket. I think that lasted only a couple of years with Connor and Bryce. Candy and Easter themed goodies are expensive! Not only that, the kids really don't need more candy after Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine's Day!

For playgroup, Kiersten did have an egg hunt in the park. I splurged and purchased two buckets of prefilled eggs, one to hide for Kiersten and her friends and the other to do with our kids. The day before Easter, Lauren ended up going with a friend to their family egg hunt and was gone all day so she missed the eggs I hid for the kids in the backyard.

Also, the day before Easter, I decided I would get a new dress for Kiersten and searched through 5 stores before I found one that was cute and not 100% cotton. Kiersten warranted a new dress mainly because she is growing SOOO tall! Lauren was really disappointed she didn't get a new dress but if you could see her closet, she definitely DOES NOT need any more clothes! Lauren was also very disappointed when she woke up on Easter morning and found the Easter Bunny did not visit our house.

I have read many blogs and looked at many Facebook pages where people have shown all the goodies their kids got for Easter. It kind of makes me feel like I should have done more for my kids but on the other hand, Easter is not about the Easter Bunny. Easter is about Jesus Christ; His Crucifiction and His Resurection. How thankful I am for my Elder Brother.